Just me trying to be honest with God.

Friday, July 10, 2009

“I’m King of the world!” Jack Dawson (Titanic)

“He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children.” Ps.113.9 NIV

God has sprinkled the world with a particularly stunning grace; one that is seen in some remarkable individuals whether they are Christian or not. Some are blind yet manage to see the world with greater clarity than those with sight. Others are crippled yet climb mountains. Then there are the poor who despite having little, approach life like a prince or the woman who cannot bear children but whose industrious love has created a wonderful family. Isn’t it true that such spiritual graces have a ring of authenticity, which some times is greater than their material counterparts. Perhaps what we call disadvantage is merely a canvas for some of Christ’s most beautiful works of art. 7/7/2009 Conversations Within ts