“The LORD takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who hope in his steadfast love. Ps.147.11 ESV
When we put our hope in God this is one way we express proper fear of Him. Hope reverently acknowledges that the Lord decides matters great and small. Whatever our advantage, be it money, power, or know how, hope says that unless God decides in our favor we shall fail. One danger in all this is that we might confuse hope with superstition. A superstitious person may believe that they need God’s favor for success but instead of putting hope in Him they “cross their fingers,” hoping God will avert some disaster because they have “knocked on wood or some other silly notion” The difference between God fearing hope and superstition is that superstition tries to bend God to our designs; hope puts the matter God’s hands whether yea or nay and hopes in His steadfast love. 8/17/2009 Conversations Within ts