...without the truth, there is no knowing; without the life, there is no living.” Thomas Kempis
“O LORD, you have searched me and you know me.” Ps.139.1 NIV
What does it mean to be known by the LORD? Well, we speak of knowing a person of fame, perhaps a celebrity or a political figure. We know them precisely for the reason that they are famous. But doesn’t the dynamic of our relationship with them change completely when they know us. To be known by the LORD in this sense would be everything. Of course there is a sense in which the LORD knows everyone as He know all things, but to be on intimate terms with the Almighty, to be caught up into His personal and favorable experience, well, that would blessing indeed. Jesus tells us time and again that this is what He brings to us when He comes to live in our heart. He brings His access to the Father, His privileges, His pleasures even His power when we learn how to use it. To know God is eternal life. To know God in Jesus is to be known by His Father. 8/8/2009 Conversations Within ts