“What causes fights and quarrels among you?” James 4.1 NIV
Good question, but I am not sure we will like the answer. The reason more than not, is that the answer will bring us face to face with our brutal selfishness. We want something, we believe we have a right to it and someone or something is keeping us from getting it. So what do we do with our wants, crucify them? Is this the death that Jesus spoke about; the losing of our life to find it? The answer where God is concerned is yes, but not always where others are concerned. I used to believe that the only Christian response when having a disagreement with my wife was to give in to her, in other words, she wins, I loose. But it has been explained to me that by letting my wife win when I loose means that she ultimately is the one who looses and I would not be seeking her best interest to let this happen. It would be better for both of us to seek a solution where we both neither win nor lose but mutually benefit. When we are unconditionally surrendered to God, refusing to accept any solution except where both parties benefit is true Christian love. But sometimes God may ask me to accept another’s gain as my gain. 8/28/2009 Conversations Within ts