“For the LORD has chosen Jacob to be his own, Israel to be his treasured possession.” Ps.135.4 NIV
My wife and I wed one another and like everyone who marries, we chose to forsake all others. Some have accused the God revealed in the Bible of bias because He chose Israel to be His own special people and by doing so excluded all the other nations. Why do we reserve to ourselves the right to do as we please but refuse this right to God? “The LORD does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth.” The modern god invented by the imagination of those who reject the God of the Scriptures would never be so politically incorrect as to choose one nation over another. But God did and His exclusive marriage to Israel resulted in an inclusive love for the nations by giving us Jesus, who was born of the nation of Israel. Thank God, that He is not politically correct but nonetheless, always correct. 8/4/2009 Conversations Within ts