“But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” Ro.8.25 ESV
Patience has at least two sides to it. There is the passive side of this virtue that is little more than waiting. The trick with this sort of patience is learning to wait with out worry. Then there is the proactive side of patience, which is really nothing more than a resilient spirit persistently persevering while it waits. But whether we wait actively or passively, we wait and wait we must. The farmer waits for his crop, the runner for the finish line and the Christian for glory. One good question I think would be, “Is what I am waiting for worth it.” When I finally get the prize, will it be something worth the wait. Images of pearly gates and streets of gold have never been my cup of tea, but to finally be free of a divided self, to know perfect oneness with God, ah, that will be worth the wait. 2/22/2010 Conversations Within ts