“So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober.” 1Th 5:6 ESV
Most of the time, I pray with my eyes open. I always have. I don’t mind reverently bowing the head but somehow closing my eyes doesn’t shut out the world and bring me closer to God, it makes Him seem further away. I mean if I really believe that God is with me, in me, around me, why would I want to shut my eyes. Actually praying with my eyes open expresses my belief that God is right there with me, as real, actually more real than any other person with whom I converse. Talking to Him is as natural as talking to anyone. It doesn’t matter if I am walking, driving or brushing my teeth, when someone is in the room with me, conversation usually happens. I actually have caught myself, asking God to excuse me a moment when answering the phone or if Brenda calls to me from another room. I have also apologized many times for ignoring Him, or allowing some visual something to distract me from our conversation. Just because God is invisible doesn’t mean He is any less present. Somehow praying with my eyes open wakens me to this. 1/30/2010 Conversations Within ts