“Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.” Rom 13:11
Once God wakes us from sleep, how do we remain awake? I have people all of the time who tell me they rise first thing in the morning and spend time with the Lord in quiet reflection but then lose the sense of God’s presence when they go to work. But Christ assures us that He is our constant companion; He goes to work in us. It is the sense of His presence we loose, but we never loose His presence within. I think we sometimes confuse God with some warm feeling. But remaining awake to His presence is certainly more than a good feeling. We must as Brother Lawrence called it, “practice the presence of God.” Some say that it is easier to do this in a monastery than on the job. But is it really? I think we will find that God is just as willing to fellowship with us as much in our work as in our worship. I have found it helpful to simply talk with Him, not mindless jabber mind you, just delightful conversation.