“May you be blessed by the LORD, my daughter.” Ruth 3.10 ESV
We have all heard parents tell their children that all they ever wanted for them was for them to be happy. I want the same for my children but I would qualify what happiness I want for them. I do not want my children to settle for any happiness that falls short of happiness as God defines it. Someone might ask, “What does it matter, if your children are happy, isn’t happy, happy?” Well, for one thing, a bully is happy when he is pushing others around, and drug addicts are happy when they are high. What parent would want this kind of happy for their child? Some may ask, “And what about happiness if no one is getting hurt?” That’s just the point isn’t it? Any happiness that falls short of pleasing God who by nature is committed wholly and solely to good would, by definition be a bad happy. 2/15/2010 Conversations Within ts