...It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them.” Thomas Kinkade
“.…bear fruit with patience.” Lk.8.15 ESV
God intends that His children live fruitful lives. The Scriptures tell us at least three ways we should be bearing fruit. First, there is the fruit of His Spirit working in us the transformations of love, joy, peace patience and so on. Second, there is the fruit of answered prayer as we begin to center our life on all things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. And third, there is the fruit of our labor as we share in the work of Christ in the world. We should not only expect to see these things if Christ lives in us, their presence or absence may be used to measure the progress of our growth in grace. Is my lust turning to love? Are my prayers directed increasingly on behalf of others rather than for me? Are the influences of my love observed in the people around me? 3/1/2010 Conversations Within ts