“And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way…” Ex.13.21 ESV
“I wish God would just tell me what to do instead of playing this guessing game.” Sound familiar? I hear this all the time from people who sincerely want God’s will for their life but don’t have a clue what that will is. Why can’t He just write it in the sky, “Go to nursing school in Timbuktu;” “Marry this person.” I used to think that God had some detailed plan spelled out and that we should wait on him to reveal it to us. And, while I do believe He does assign specific tasks to us, He seems to have given us a great deal of latitude to choose many things for ourselves. Remember His encouragement to David, “Go, do all that is in your heart;” --safe words to a surrendered heart. Perhaps instead of waiting on God, God is waiting on us, ready to bless what whatever would like to do to serve His cause in the world. 3/12/2010 Conversations Within ts