Just me trying to be honest with God.

Monday, March 29, 2010


... or copying Him… Christ is actually operating through [us]. C. S. Lewis

“For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” Ro.7.15

It would be silly to think that only Christians feel the dilemma of a divided self. I have non-Christian friends who want to make positive changes in their life and feel the same disgust whenever they act a certain way. But grace rests upon everyone who would do what is right, Christian or not. God works in the heart of those who do not know Him just as He sustains the physical processes, which keep them alive. The fundamental difference between the Christian and non-Christian is the actual presence of Christ living in those who have received Him. This does not mean that n0n-Christians cannot or will not see positive change; they may even have better marriages, and better mastery over their various appetites. But the life of Christ in the Christian holds the promise that He will finish what we cannot. He will continue the process after even after death, especially after death, indeed separation from this fallen body is essential if we are to be completely healed. 3/21/2010 Conversations Within ts