“If you do well, will you not be accepted?" Gen.4.7
Most of us are familiar with the story of Cain and Able. God reiterated to Cain the importance of his choices, a lesson clearly illustrated by his father Adam. Of course, Cain knew what He was supposed to do but chose instead to do what he wanted to do. He killed his brother. Human history, my history is the story knowing what is right, wanting what is wrong and the choice between them. If it is true and I assume that it is, that we always, when we are able, choose whatever desire is the strongest at the moment, then simply knowing what is right will never be enough. We need help with our desires. Jesus offers us more than a religion to follow. Religions excel on telling us what to do but offer no power to do it. Jesus offers us more than forgiveness. He offers nothing short of transformation. How, His very life is joined to our own and with it, a new set of desires. 3/20/2010 Conversations Within ts