“All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the flower of the field.” Is.40.6 ESV
I once, with tongue and cheek, told my twenty-year-old daughter that she probably looked better right now than she would ever look in this brief life and to enjoy it while she could. On the other hand, I of course, think my wife’s beauty only improves with age. There are things about beauty that transcend physical attraction. Consider the beauty of aging hands or the appreciation of beauty at all. I think this says much about the human soul, not only that we have one, but also because in the appreciation of beauty we step outside being mere animals. We are poets, and musicians, artist and writers. That we do not see these qualities in other creatures bespeaks something of our uniqueness. And, to truly see this uniqueness is to believe that we are more than a cosmic accident, but the work of another Artist. 3/9/2010 Conversations Within ts