Don't listen to yourself, talk to yourself, and when you do, always tell yourself the truth.
“Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.” Ps.86 ESV
There are many different voices that compete for my attention. Various emotions vent within. A multitude of desires call me to satisfy inner cravings without. All the while common sense shouts out warnings. I, and I speak about the real me that person who desperately wants real happiness, I must unify my heart by talking even preaching truth to it. It is as J. I Packer puts it, “It is a matter of talking to oneself about God and oneself; it is, indeed, often a matter of arguing with oneself, reasoning oneself out of moods of doubt and unbelief in to a clear apprehension of God’s power and grace.” I must unify these many voices into a singular cry for truth, truth about life ,about God, about me, about my doubts, dreams, desires ,about the present fear or pleasure confronting me trying to steal my joy. 12/20/2010 Conversations Within ts (On the road to Between)