“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” —Lao-Tze
“Endurance produces character, and character produces hope...” Rom.5 ESV
We become what we do and do and do. It is as simple as that. Just because grace forgives our shortcomings it does nullify our need to work for change. Grace comes to enable it. God knows that we fall short and has made provision for it in the death of Christ. It would be silly to think that God makes this provision only to forgive us. He does this so that He may come to live in us and help us become all we were originally created to become. God's forgiveness is instant. Our transformation is not. There are no shortcuts to godliness, we become what we do and do and do. 12/2/2010 Conversations Within ts (Augusta GA)