“And Peter answered him, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." Mt.14 ESV
You would think that if I am trusting God for my everlasting salvation that I could trust Him for anything. I suppose I do trust Him but I still move in and out of trust into moments of doubt. I seem to walk on water one minute and then sink below the waves the next. I speak figuratively of course, because I can't say that I have ever truly walked on water. And why not? I don't think I have ever tried. Oh, I think about radical expressions of faith but most of the time I seem to be comfortable just siting in my little boat. Perhaps it is as one brother suggest, “Part of me wonders if our stories aren’t being stolen by the easy life.” Maybe this is why God sends storms to swamp our boat from time to time. 11/24/2010 Conversations Within ts (Between, Ga)