“Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned...” Rom.5 ESV
The world is filled with staggering beauty as it is with unimaginable ugliness. Do we not reflect this when have feelings a awe and adoration looking at a beautiful snow draped mountain and recoil in bitterness when someone freezes to death on it. Just about everybody knows that despite all the beauty in the world, something is terribly wrong. Nature reflects it, relationships reflect it even our divided self tells us something has gone horribly awry. I think people pretty much agree that we are apart of what's wrong with the world. Creation is cursed beauty, cursed because we became self centered rather than God centered. The Creator wrote a beautiful melody with beautiful lyrics but we changed the words. The loveliness is still there, its the new lyrics that don't fit the melody. Jesus has come to teach us the original words to the song. 12/7/2010 Conversations Within ts (Stone Mountain GA)