“Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits will have plenty of poverty.” Prov28 ESV
Economics is far more than the management of money or possessions, it is deciding what will be the principle focus of my time. Time is the seed of life. How and where we sow it will determine if we live a fruitful life. A man may have plenty of money but live an impoverished life. History is also replete with people who lived marvelously rich lives but had little or no money. It is interesting that people can pursue money and find it a worthless pursuit. This is true for those who make money and those who never do. Many a life has been wasted chasing it.
What seed do I sow in the fields entrusted to me. The best use of my life is loving people, finding joy in simple things like working for enjoyment rather than money then of course using my money and my possessions to accomplish the first. 12/3/2010 Conversations Within ts (Augusta GA)