“Pray without ceasing.” 1Thess.5 ESV
What moves me to pray? I think the best prayers are those that come from His promptings rather then my own. I seem to have more confidence when I am asking God for something He has clearly encouraged me to ask from Him. But prayer is so much more than asking. I am moved to pray all of the time. He tickles me with a sight or sound and I laugh in prayer. He points out some wonder and I respond with adoration and awe. I can't begin to number the times I have said things like, “You did a good job on that tree Lord or that sunset or that taste. Just about every interaction I have with the world outside me becomes some kind of prayer offering inside me. Of course I am also disturbed by some things in our world and they too are turned into prayers. I argue, accuse, question, complain but finally realize that I am apart of everything wrong in the world. 12/22/2010 Conversations Within ts (Between GA)