“He makes me lie down in green pastures.” Ps.23
I love to play! It doesn't matter if its a game of tennis, or scrambling over rocks with Brenda or rappelling down them. We might wonder about the importance of play when the Bible says so little about it. Or does it? If we understand sabbath as a form of play and play as one expression of sabbath then play becomes one of the chief actions in life. I need to play as I need to rest as I need to eat. Recreation re-creates. Play not only replenishes energy ,it is one of the reasons for it. People don't just eat for nourishment nor do we play only for exercise. If life is devoid of play, life is devoid of life. “We can play as we can eat to the glory of God.” C. S. Lewis 12/11/2010 Conversations Within ts (Shenandoah AL)