"Let every skillful craftsman among you come and make all that the LORD has commanded.” Ex.35 ESV
Do we not all put something of ourselves into whatever we do. The way I eat or drink, work or play, talk or listen all reflect something of my inner life. If my soul is in disarray, my desk, and my schedule will usually expose it. If I never have enough time, it is usually because my inner life is cluttered and unfocused. We bring to the canvas of our outward world the colors we have mixed on the pallet of our soul. I think God wants to put us in touch with the artist within, to teach us how to mix new colors, to help direct our energies toward a purposeful and creative life and escape the drudgery of mere existence. It is good think to step back and see what image is taking shape on the canvas I am painting. 1/9/2011 Conversations Within ts (Madison, MS)