“And beware lest...when you see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, you be drawn away and bow down to them and serve them...” Deut. 4 ESV
People are a superstitious lot. If I treat God like some four leafed clover or good luck charm I act no better than those who read a daily horoscope for guidance. God is a Person, not a totem. He is to be humbly served not bent to our own purposes. Crossing my fingers or knocking on wood will not alter Him to my ways nor align me to His. I should take care to purge all superstition from my attitudes and actions before Him. He asks for nothing but a simple faith expressed in simple obedience. I should not consult the Bible like some zodiac chart. His will in Scripture is spelled out plain enough and His Spirit is more than willing to lead all who will follow. Do children need a palm reader or celestial chart to ask loving parents for advice? Jesus summed it up for us when He told us to address God as our Father not our Spiritual Psychic. 1/10/2011 Conversations Within ts (Madison, MS)