“These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh.” Col 2:23
I have a number of atheistic friends who regard religion as one means to control the masses and even believe that there were times in history when it was necessary for the survival of the human species. There is no doubt that religion has been used in such a manner. I have been on both ends, trying to control others and experienced others trying to control me--usually by flinging guilt trips. I have long since given up both. In my own experience the practice of man made religion, especially the guilt stuff, does nothing to promote self control. Here is one big difference between man made religion and a relationship with God. God doesn't fling guilt trips at all. He enlightens us to what is true which means he often convicts people of things which are false. He encourages us as a Father. And, like a coach He enables people to escape the prison of our selfishness. God does not want to control us. The fruit of His presence is “self control,” voluntary love and the joy of one's life overflowing in goodness. 6/7/2011 Conversations Within ts (Jacksonville, FL)