"What is the kingdom of God like? It is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his garden, and it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches." Jesus
I have always been fascinated that a mighty oak grows from such a small acorn. But Emerson observed something more amazing, that the trees of a thousand forest are in one acorn. The creative potential of our lives is incredible. But that potential is a two edged sword, offering the possibility of great good or great evil. Selfishness corrupts man's creative power and turns something beautiful into something dreadful. We have learned to soar and fly but then strafe villages with bullets, we invent how to capture images but then use this technology to make porn, we harness the power of the atom but make bombs. Surgery becomes abortion and medicine chemical warfare. Each of us is a living seed. We may sow our lives in the soil of selfish pursuit and reap destruction or sow it in the soil of service and reap everlasting joy. Like the seed our greatest potential is powerfully released when we stop living only for ourselves and begin living for benefit of others. 5/26/2011 Conversations Within ts (Gunterhill, AL)