"...and he was called God's friend.” James 2
Most of the people I meet are not searching for religion if they are searching at all. I think people want meaningful friendship or at least the benefits of it. God offers us friendship but in order to have a friend or at least a real friend one must not only be open to it but also be open. This is why people settle for some self made religion. It is easier to keep God at a safe distance tucked away behind the cloak of religious practice rather than let Him too close. To know friendship with God, like any friendship, we must open up to Him and that means being vulnerable. Most of us find that hard to do. It is not easy to trust your life to another, especially when He has the reputation of hurting people in order to heal them. But what would you expect from a friend who also happens to be a surgeon and who knows you need surgery. 6/9/2011 Conversations Within ts (Jacksonville, FL)