Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” Jas 1:27
If there is a religion to be had, it is that I religiously help others in need. I am sure God wants nothing of any superstitions I have but He is always telling us to be our brother's keeper. If there is any way to bring God into our day, I am sure it has everything to do with serving those around us. After all these centuries under the influence of Christ, just about everyone sees the nobility of helping widows and orphans. Interestingly, the hardest people to serve are generally those closest to us. Surely I should go out of my way to serve the orphan and widow but by all means let me also find the nobility in serving my own family, my wife and children. 6/11/2011 Conversations Within ts (Jacksonville, FL)