“By all means use sometimes to be alone.” George Herbert
“And Jacob was left alone. And a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day.” Gen.32
Alone time is time to think, meditate and pray, to wrestle the meaning out of life. It was only when Jacob was alone that Christ came to wrestle with him. What a great way to describe a relationship with God. It is a wrestling match, Father and son tussling on the ground. God desires a real encounter with us, not some mindless religious chatter. He prefers a tug-of-war, to feel someone pulling on the other end of the rope, not some puppet on a string. No doubt He will wrestle us to the ground, to break our stubborn will but never our spirit. He resists us to bring into clear focus just how bad we really want what we think we want from Him. In the end, we will find like most dads who wrestle with their children, that He will eventually let us pin Him down. He will submit to us when He answers our prayers as much as we to Him when we answer His challenge to grow up. Every dad knows for the boy to be a man he must learn how to humbly lose but also how to confidently prevail. When you take time to get alone, be sure to bring your wrestling shorts. 5/31/2011 Conversations Within ts (Gunterhill, AL)