“He went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone.” Mt.14
It is enough that Jesus sought solitude that we should learn to value it. I speak as a Christian of course. His life was a rhythm of solitude and service. I am not sure Christ went to solitary places for the same reasons we do. I need solitude to replenish my energy after a day of people but Jesus told us that serving others was food to His soul. I suppose that being divine He is a spring, always overflowing, never needing to be replenished. In such a complete person going to the mountains was probably the overflow of joy, the joy of being alone with Himself as much as being with others. But Jesus was human as well as divine, if we can wrap our head around such. I am sure that His human nature needed the rest and refreshment that can only come in solitude. It does not come “from” solitude mind you, but “in” solitude; being alone has no power in itself. The true value of solitude is that it helps to silence every other voice but the one that we need to hear the most. 5/30/2011 Conversations Within ts (Gunterhill, AL)