“May you never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten.”
“Remember the wondrous works that he has done...” 1Ch.16
The other day my wife poked me over buying Christmas presents this year and said, “You don't want to be a Scrooge.” I smiled and replied, “Yes I do.” I then reminded her that in the end Scrooge was a kind and giving person who overwhelmed people with his generosity. It is not how one starts but how one finishes that counts. We do tend to remember the bad in people rather than the good. I suppose it takes practice to change this. I feel certain that nurturing an attitude of thankfulness will work this change. It is a blessed person who chooses to see the world with grateful eyes. The next time I am tempted to think bad of something or someone, let me respond by offering thanks for at least one thing concerning it or them. If I can't, let me ask God for His help. 11/21/11 Conversations Within ts (Holy Ground, AL)