“We have grown literally afraid to be poor. We despise anyone who elects to be poor in order to simplify and save his inner life.” William James
“Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?”James 2
It is not a sin to be poor. As a matter of fact I can think of times when voluntary poverty is a virtue. Some choose to live on less to give more, their poverty is a sacrificial offering to God. I know parents who take a cut in pay to spend more time at home with their children; their treasure is in family not stuff. Some prefer looking to God for daily bread instead of trusting the false security of an annual income. Jesus was poor by this world's standards. He spent his life serving others instead of paying a mortgage and chose service over salary. None of this is to say that if you own a nice home or make lots of money you are a servant of money instead of a servant of God. It is to say that those who are rich in faith have real wealth; money is just a tool to serve it. 11/7/11 Conversations Within ts (Jax, Fl)