“Give us this day our daily bread.” Jesus
There are some things we never outgrow. I remember having to trust God to take care of us while I was studying in seminary. After graduation I got my first job making more money than I ever had before. When the church told me what I would be making I looked at Brenda and quietly but excitedly said, “We're rich.” I think in the back of my mind I thought we were going to do fine financially and did not need God to take care of us like we needed Him to get through school. Never having made so much money I got careless with spending and in a couple of months we spent all of my salary but forgot to pay the electric bill. I felt foolish and embarrassed and did not know what to do. The very next day we got a check in the mail from the seminary saying that we had overpaid our tuition. The check was almost the exact amount of the electric bill. I think this was God's way of telling us that we never outgrow our need to look to look to Him or be responsible with what He entrusts to us. 11/16/11 Conversations Within ts (Between, GA)