Humans have a great capacity for joy; it is worth considering what brings it to us.
“...the joy of the godless is but for a moment? Job20
Everyone is capable of joy. What is so very telling is what causes us to have it. If I find joy in the suffering of others, say for revenge, or if it is a joy to me to get away with stealing, then my joy is perverted. One brother has said, “It is the stealing of the apple that is bad, not the sweetness.” It is easy to see that there is nothing wrong enjoying the sweetness of an apple but if it is sweet to my soul to steal it, that is a terrible corruption. Augustine confessed that he enjoyed stealing fruit from his neighbor's tree even when he did not care for the fruit. If revenge, or stealing or hurting someone is sweet to the soul then the very soul has gone bad. Monsters are made this way. Of course Augustine is remembered as a godly man which is so very telling of the power of repentance and faith. Grace can work change in our spiritual taste buds. 12/8/11 Conversations Within ts (Jacksonville , FL)