“Great is the glory of the LORD.” Psalm 138
When God tells us to put Him first, He is actually telling us how to look after our best interest. He knows that the greatest gift He can give to us is the gift of Himself. He invites us to open this gift every day. When it comes to God, “being stuck on Himself' is His most unselfish act. He directs us to love Him above all things because He is above all things and He knows that lasting happiness can only be found in loving Him. It may sound strange, but for God to be God He must surely seek His own glory. If all that God does is good and right and true then why would God assign the greatest value to anything except what has the greatest value. [See Meditations on God's Delight in Being God by John Piper] Conversations Within ts 2/1/2012 (Jax, FL)