"Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts." Hebrews 4
In many ways time is surely on our side. Hurts heal, seasons change, and where trials are concerned we come to appreciate the saying, “This too shall pass.” But, there are times when time is not on our side. Opportunities are missed when we fail to act and never come to us again. We grow older and our bodies start to fail us. Over time we perfect what we practice. This is a good thing if we practice something good but can be bad if we are perfecting something bad. If I harden my heart to love I will perfect selfishness and over time lock myself in an inescapable prison of misery. In this instance time works against the unrepentant. People often think they have plenty of time to repent but after time hardened hearts may not be capable to do so. Herein lies one aspect of Hell. Conversations Within ts 1/27/2012 (Madison, MS)