"I am gentle and humble in heart...” Jesus
Benjamin Franklin had a list of virtues he worked diligently to acquire; moderation, cleanliness and industry to name a few. A friend suggested that he add humility to the list and asked him some time later if he had obtained it. Franklin believed that he never acquired true humility, only the appearance of it. Humility isn't something we attain as it is something we realize-something we realize about ourselves. Humility is not thinking too highly of oneself or too low; it is a realistic appraisal, a sober judgment about one's strengths and weaknesses. A humble person knows they have moments of vanity but instead of sitting around grieving with hurt pride of over it, true humility leads us to do something about it. Don't waste time concealing vanity, appropriate the grace of God and put it to death. Conversations Within ts 2/22/2012 (Birmingham, AL)