”What God has joined together, let no one tear apart.” Jesus
When we say that marriage is for life we mean so much more than saying that marriage is life long. Marriage is also for life because it is “for” life--it is pro life. It begets children, partnership, companionship, and a host of other benefits, all designed to promote health and happiness. Homes spring from its foundations, nations have been born to protect its fruit. Meaning is given to work and play and powerful expression is given to our faith. Human hopes and dreams are created and nurtured in the precious union between a man and woman. All of this is to say nothing of the spiritual families that find their pattern and grow out of the home. After God created man, male and female, He designed marriage as his first gift to them. To tear apart a marriage is like tearing the soul from the body-what we call death. Neither divorce nor death were God's intentions when He designed us. Conversations Within ts 2/18/2012 (Camp Farrington, AL)