“I delight to do your will O my God.” Ps.40
I am certain that God knows how to make His meaning clear when we encounter Him either in life or in the Scriptures. The problem is not so much that we fail to understand Him as it is that we would rather do what we want to do instead of doing what He is telling us to do. Faith fundamentally is the transfer of trust, one that grows out of a humble attitude. Faith acknowledges that the Creator knows more about true happiness than we do. It leads us to humbly stop trusting our own selfish pursuits and follow His lead. Most of the people I know who quote the Bible to discredit it in some way are not doing so with an attitude to discover God's will but only to justify doing what they want to do. Of course I must confess that even though I believe the Bible I still use it to justify what I want to do. Forgive us Blessed Lord! Conversations Within ts 3/20/2012 (Selma, AL)