“I delight to do your will O my God.” Ps.40
I love surfing. I love it so much I have lost weight so I can balance better on my board. I do sit-ups to strengthen my core so I can paddle more efficiently. I do push-ups most days so I can pop-up faster when I catch a wave. I started doing all these things when I can't surf because I naturally do all these things when I do. This way eating right and exercise is tied inseparably to something I love. This has taught me that the secret to so many good things is to see the hyphen between our duty to do something and our delight in its rewards. We will change our attitude toward godliness when we experience the pleasures of it. Duty becomes delight when we focus on the rewards of right living not the rigors. Conversations Within ts 3/16/2012 (Jax, FL)