“…be self-controlled…” 1Pt.1.13 NIV
Self-government is a discipline that actually increases, rather than decreases our enjoyment of life’s pleasures. And, it does so precisely by limiting our participation in them. How so? I am a fan of pianist George Winston and especially of his “Winter” album. Knowing my tendencies toward over indulgence I decided years ago to limit how often I play this particular album. Everyone who’s ever played a song over and over, knows that you can actually become sick of listening to a song you started out loving. By limiting the number of times I listen to this album, I have never grown tired of it and actually enjoy it more every time I reserve it for special moments. When we acquire the taste for one less bite, we nurture in ourselves the seeds of heaven placed there by Christ. I used to think heaven a place where we could eat all we wanted and never gain weight but more than likely, Christ will have changed us so that we will not want to eat like a pig when we get there. 9/7/2009 Conversations Within ts