“Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God.” 1Pt.2.10
A casual glance at people, strongly suggests that we are made for socialization. A large part of our individuality is our need to share some sense of community with others, to belong to a herd so to speak. We may create or join any number of social circles even if our interaction with others in the circle is only in persona, the lone wolf or eccentric person for example. One group that Brenda and I belong to is the FJ Cruiser clan. There is that sense of kinship when we meet another FJ owner and unless you belong to the group, it may be difficult to know exactly what defines it. What defines the persona of those who belong to the people of God? The one that follows in this passage is a good one. “Once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” Unless one has received mercy, it may be hard to convey to those who haven’t what it means to belong to those who have. Christ, let your mercy be a large part of who I am. 9/12/2009 Conversations Within ts