“For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God.” 1Pt.2.19 NIV
I am easily angered by injustice, especially where I am concerned. It is interesting that Christian love directs us to at least, two different responses to injustice. The first is to aggressively seek justice for others when they are abused; the second is to silently endure it where we are concerned. We may understand why God would have us correct an injustice when it involves others but then question why He asks us endure injustice when it comes our way. I think it has something to do with which direction the arrow of our concern is pointing. We naturally seek our own benefit but Christ would have us seek the benefit of others, which is exactly what we do when we turn the cheek to an injustice. He is also granting us a unique privilege. He is asking if we would seek just ice for other and leave matters that concern us up to Him. He promises to set everything right. We may be surprised at what “right” really looks like. 9/14/2009 Conversations Within ts