"...and accept as something precious what comes back to you from them.” Albert Schweitzer
“…this stone is precious… 1Pt.2.7 NIV
One thing we must do, if we are to follow Jesus, is to let His Spirit teach us to value what He values. What is precious to me? My wife, my children, my life; these things are dear to me. But is obedience to God something I cherish? Jesus certainly does and even valued it more precious than preserving His own life. Is helping the destitute precious to me? My first thought is yes. But if I am honest, I divide the destitute into two classes-the deserving and the undeserving. Who doesn’t value helping the needy when life has dealt them a blow? But do I value helping the destitute that are because they are lazy. Well to do that Lord Jesus, I would need to value grace wouldn’t I? 9/11/2009 Conversations Within ts