...burn it thoroughly and completely on a modest, but blazing, fire.” Boy Scouts of America
“For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.” 1Pt.1.23
I have always found it difficult to throw away an old worn out Bible, even when I couldn’t use it anymore because it was falling apart. Others seem to have this problem with various sacred items. This is why there are discussions on the proper way to discard a worn out American flag. But God’s word is not the physical print, the perishable paper and ink, no more so, than a flag is the country it represents. God words are living and enduring even if every copy of the Bible were somehow destroyed. Christians do not worship a book or at least they shouldn’t. The main reason we reverence the Scriptures and hold them sacred, isn’t just that God inspired them, but that He still speaks in them. There is value in what God has said to past generations but of first importance what is the living God saying to us this very day? 9/9/2009 Conversations Within ts