“If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God.” 1Pt.4.11 NIV
I have grown less dogmatic through the years. I find myself wanting to speak in terms of what “might” be rather than what “is.” It is not that I doubt the existence of absolute truth but I have doubts about my knowing it, at least in areas where there is little or no consensus of interpretation among God’s people. So how does the preacher or teacher speak as the oracle of God in such a divided climate? Well, I think we may speak with great confidence where there is and always has been consensus. And, there is plenty in Scripture that is straightforward and clear; without dabbling in the unclear passages. But it may be that dogmatism isn’t the point of saying, “Thus sayeth the Lord.” Perhaps what is in view is that we should keep our mouth shut until we are sure He would have us speak and thus speaking, speak His words not our own. 9/23/2009 Conversations Within ts