"Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.” Mt.6.26 ESV
The other day my wife decided to change her shampoo and only use those made by companies that do not test their products on animals. She said that she was being influenced by Erin, our animal loving daughter. On a number of occasions, Jesus asked that we learn from human behavior and to assure our hearts that for every kind act we see in people, “how much more” should we expect it from God. When people show compassion to animals it is because we are made in the image of a compassionate God. Jesus also tells us that if God cares for the needs of animals, He will surely supply our needs. “How much more” should we believe this, when selfish people throw bread to ducks? 1/5/2010 Conversations Within ts