“If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” (Sermon on the Mount) Mt.7.11 ESV
My conversations within are not always with the Lord. I talk with myself even to myself. I have make believe arguments with people. I also argue with the devils. Sometimes the voices within temp me to question the goodness of God. It has been suggested, by the devils I’m sure and sometimes by my suspicious nature, that perhaps God doesn’t love me or that He is setting me up to fail, or that He doesn’t care. Father often interrupts these sad suggestions by speaking to me in the actions of others. He persuades me of His love and forgiveness in the love and forgiveness of my wife and by those closest to me. If mere mortals who share my same inconsistencies, love me without condition, how much more my perfect Father in heaven. 1/16/2010 Conversations Within ts