...but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.”
Siddhārtha Gautama (Buddha)
“If we endure, we will also reign with him…” 2Ti.2.12
Enduring obedience is as important as immediate obedience. What good is it to start but not to finish? A climbing buddy and I once discussed the number of people who have died climbing the world highest mountains. My friend commented that when climbers reach the top, they are only half way. Some spend all their energy trying to summit and have nothing left to get back down. Endurance has a pacing quality to it, one that requires stability of spirit rather than the inconsistencies of living by one’s emotions. Personal pep-rallies will only carry us so far; itis better to have an experienced climbing companion. This is precisely why Christ gave us His Spirit. 3/27/2010 Conversations Within ts