“My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction.” Pr.3.11 KJV
Christians are told to view all hardship as discipline and to see it as training rather than punishment. Because of this, we are encouraged to embrace discipline as the expression of God’s love. This doesn’t mean that every time life deals me a blow, God is beating me on the head. It does mean that He is using these blows, sometimes cause by our own foolishness, to deepen the image of Jesus in us. But as with all children, discipline is contingent on our response to it. If we do not allow it to train us, then life’s blows will be little more than painful and frustrating experiences. How do we allow it to train us? Listen to the instruction that comes along with it, and do what we’re told. 4/11/2010 Conversations Within ts