And Jesus said to them, "How many loaves do you have?"
If asked about money a good many would say that there is never enough. This seems so foreign to the confident claim, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” When you think about it, seven loaves and a couple of fish were not enough either, at least in normal accounting terms. “Too much month at the end of the money;” or “too many mouths to feed,” however it is described, money or the lack is one of the chief concerns of life. “But little is much when God is in it;” that’s what been reported. I guess the question is if I have found this to be the case where I am concerned. Time and again, the little entrusted to me has proven to be more than enough, not in my hands but in His. What I can’t work out on paper God works out in practice, at least when He has the checkbook. 4/19/2010 Conversations Within ts